#Online event: The role of data.europa.eu

Date(s) - 04/05/2022
15:00 - 16:30

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This course allows data providers to understand how they can make better use of different infrastructures. It provides more visibility to open data assets by assessing the role of data.europa.eu in different contexts.

Learning objectives:

  • Understanding the role that data.europa.eu has or could be playing in different data spaces
  • Gather insight on how the content and capabilities of data.europa.eu could help tackle specific demands in data spaces in at least three sectors

The data.europa academy will host an webinar on “The Role of data.europa.eu in the Context of the EU Data Spaces” on Wednesday 4 May from 14:00-15:00 CET.

An upcoming report on ‘the Role of data.europa.eu in the Context of the EU Data Spaces’ explores the role that data.europa.eu may play in the context of the data spaces identified in the European Strategy for Data. During this webinar the report will be discussed in more detail.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand what Data Spaces are
  • Learn how open data and open data portals may have a role in the context of data spaces
  • Reflect about the opportunities and challenges that data spaces bring in for open data portals, and vice versa

Topics to be covered:

  • An introduction to the EU Strategy for Data and the concept of data spaces
  • Ongoing data space initiatives (GAIA-X, IDSA, etc.)
  • Description of the research method
  • Main findings from the study
  • Conclusions and recommendations

Click here for more info

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