#online event: Yocto Project Virtual Summit 2024.12

Date(s) - 03/12/2024 - 05/12/2024

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The Yocto Project Virtual Summit is a virtual technical conference for engineers, open source technologists, students and academia in the OSS space. This 3-day event is where individuals will learn about Yocto Projects’ direction — including, but not limited to, new releases, development tools, features — get training on the next wave of embedded Linux technologies, and network with their industry peers, Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded maintainers and experts.

The Yocto Project Virtual Summit includes workshops for engineers building customized Linux distributions and applications, as well as an open forum where maintainers, trainers, and users present papers on how the project is evolving and how they are using it.

Click here to view the agenda

Click here for more info

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