Open EV Charging Summit

Date(s) - 15/05/2024 - 16/05/2024

Texas Instruments Incorporated – Headquarters

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Learn how open source technology is driving innovation in EV charging to improve reliability, efficiency, and interoperability. Experience hands-on demonstrations of innovative EV charging equipment.

The Open EV Charging Summit is a two-day event hosted at the Texas Instruments campus which will explore open source technology as a solution for EV charging reliability, efficiency, and interoperability. One day will be dedicated to educational sessions with experts from the EV charging industry, while the second day will offer the opportunity to participate in testing and demonstrations of different EV charging equipment that utilize open source solutions. The event will gather experts from the energy, automotive and charging industries, along with researchers, regulators, and policymakers, to discuss how to speed deployment of reliable charging infrastructure nationally and internationally.

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