Perl and Raku Conference

Date(s) - 24/06/2024 - 28/06/2024

Alexis Park Resort

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The Perl and Raku Conference or TPRC (Formerly known as YAPC::NA) is a high-quality, inexpensive technical conference with its roots in the Perl Mongers user groups. The conference celebrates the Perl and Raku programming languages. It is meant to be accessible to anyone, regardless of experience, yet valuable to even the most skilled programmers. Each year, the conference attracts hundreds of programmers from around the world.


Attend great presentations from all parts of the Perl and Raku communities.

Presentations are given by volunteer speakers from all over the world! Our schedule is coming soon!


Meet your fellow Perl and Raku programmers. We expect nearly 150 Perlers from around North America and the world to attend! This is a great opportunity to connect with the community. Check out our conference wiki to see what sort of social events and BOFs are being planned!


We’ll have dozens of sessions on a great variety of topics. Don’t forget to sign up for one of our great all-day tutorials to engage in some deep learning.

Click here for more info

Click here to view the agenda

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