Date(s) - 06/08/2019 - 10/08/2019
Bank of Ghana Auditorium, University of Ghana, Legon Campus, Accra
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The first-ever pan-African meeting of the Python programming community
The team
The organising team of PyCon Africa 2019 includes experienced Python community conference organisers from Africa and Europe.
Between them they have run multiple international conferences, including PyCons in Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, United Kingdom as well as several editions of DjangoCon Europe.
The city
Accra is a friendly and safe city. It’s a hub for the west African software industry with excellent facilities and international connections.
The vibrant Ghanaian Python community has already hosted PyCon Ghana in 2018, and is looking forward to welcoming Pythonistas from all over Africa and the world.
The programme
- Tuesday 6th: Welcome to Accra, for international visitors/ Installation party for beginners and Django Girls
- Wednesday 7th: Workshops (including introductory installation sessions and tutorials), Django Girls
- Thursday 8th: Talks/workshops
- Friday 9th: Talks/workshops
- Saturday 10th: Sprints/workshops
Click here to view the schedule.
For more information click here.