Date(s) - 05/03/2020 - 08/03/2020

Pasadena Convention Center


SCaLE 18X – the 18th annual Southern California Linux Expo – will take place on March. 5-8, 2020, at the Pasadena Convention Center. SCaLE 18X expects to host 150 exhibitors this year, along with nearly 130 sessions, tutorials and special events.

SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in the greater Los Angeles area.

Present! Submit a proposal for a session via our call for papers.

Sponsor! Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are available for commercial and non-profit exhibitors.

Get Involved! Interested in helping to plan and/or to volunteer for SCALE 18X? Get in touch by either filling out this form or sending us an email.

Travel! Coming to the Southern California area from afar? We have hotel room blocks and travel tips for you.

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