#The 12th Samos 2022 Summit on ICT-Enabled Governance & the 9th International Summer School On Open and Collaborative Governance

Date(s) - 04/07/2022 - 08/07/2022

Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, Κτίριο Προβατάρη

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The 12th Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance offers an unprecedented opportunity to see, interact with and influence cutting-edge Information and Communication Technologies research projects and initiatives. Attended by high caliber experts from research, administrations and enterprises worldwide, the Samos 2022 Summit focuses on the newest developments of ICT applications in the area of digital governance.


Specific focus in this year’s summit will be given to the following areas of ICT-enabled governance:

Citizen Science and Collaborative Governance (Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing, Collective Intelligence and similar approaches. Workshop by the COMPAIR digital governance / citizen science project)

– Big, Open and Linked Data in Governance (Workshop by the ODECO and TODO open data projects.)

– Legal Informatics (Legal elements representation and analysis, NLP in law, legal checking, ManyLaws and LEOS platforms)

 – Disruptive Technologies for Administrations and Cities (Applications of ΑΙ, Blockchain, Chatbots, Intelligent Agents, ΙοΤ, 5G, AR/VR)

 – Workshop on new research ideas (Where innovative proposals for joint projects or high-caliber publications are discussed)

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