Webinar: “The Open Gov Challenge in Europe”

Date(s) - 25/04/2024
15:00 - 16:30

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“The Open Gov Challenge in Europe”

OGP launched the Open Gov Challenge as a call to action to advance its strategy 2023-2028, inviting members to commit to meaningful and ambitious reforms in ten key policy areas. This webinar is part of the roll-out of the Open Gov Challenge in Europe and is open to all interested civil society and government representatives who wish to better understand what opportunities the Open Gov Challenge presents and how to take part in it. Agenda:

– Introduction to the Open Gov Challenge – Alessandro Bellantoni, Director Policy & Partnerships, OGP. Followed by Q&A

– Discussion on rolling out the Challenge in Europe: themes, support structures, and next steps Register for the event through this link https://opengovpartnership-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvf-2trjssHtXJ7nH9YuTGOhSUxDiSzJFa

Please note that the event will take place in English.

You can find more information about the Open Gov Challenge here: https://www.opengovpartnership.org/the-open-gov-challenge/

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