Workshop: Open Data “Next Steps”, 10-11 March 2016, Stockholm

Date(s) - 10/03/2016 - 11/03/2016

Technical museum

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The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) invites you to the Open Data “Next Steps” workshop . The focus of the workshop will be on:

  • Experience from England on how to work with the data owners (owner of the information). We will make a presentation of their generic ‘Data Management Maturity Model’ (DMMM), for the management of data relating to: data ownership, control, security, making available, dependencies, standards, data quality, etc. in order to continuously monitor and develop the organisation in its own data maturity.
  • To give us the incentive to continue, we will be in tune with the review of English (DMMM) maturity model online, where you will be able to evaluate how far you have come in your work. Those who have come a long way and have a good foundation, give us a basis for colaboration by sharing their good practices.
  • As a member of the national authority’s Open Data Network, the Environmental Protection Agency will present how our organisation works with Open Data, including the English DMMM maturity model and our recently introduced generic Strategy for Environmental Data Management, which has been signed by many authorities. We will further discuss
    • how this strategy can be used as a common platform with the English (DMMM) maturity model; and
    • what is the need for information security in the context of Open Data.
  • We will talk about the national and international “best practices” and “challenges” from an Open Data perspective.
  • There will be time for questions and discussions about how we can take the Open Data work on a ‘next step’.

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