Workshop on the SDG Data Model – 21 February 2020 9:30-16:30 CET

Date(s) - 21/02/2020

Centre Albert Borschette


This workshop represents the opportunity to hold technical discussions on the metadata layer for public services and other technical solutions developed by the Catalogue of Services ISA² action supporting key information priorities of the Single Digital Gateway implementation. As this workshop is organised back-to-back with the 20 February meeting of the SDG Coordination Group, the idea would be to have you reflect on the detailed technical solutions for implementing the SDG in a very dynamic way.

With technical solutions, we understand the SDG metadata model and its classifications, but also tools for harvesting and editing public service descriptions. Such tools could be used by you with different models such as CPSV-AP or the SDG metadata model. We would like to gather your needs and discuss dynamically some technical details with you.

Please find the draft agenda below.


The workshop invites Member State and European institutions representatives working on the SDG implementation, in the cataloguing of public services, as well as experts in the field of semantic interoperability and open data, and academia to share their views on how public service delivery to administrations, citizens and businesses can benefit from the creation and exchange of enriched public services information.

Participation in the workshop is by invitation only, places are limited and registration is mandatory through the AGM tool (only one expert per MS will be entitled to the refunding of travel expenses[1]).



We are looking forward to welcoming you!


With best regards,

The ISA² Program of the European Commission



[1] This is independent from the number of people attending the workshop per country. The organisers reserve the right to accept any registrations in order to enable each country to attend this workshop.



Timing Activities
9:00-9:30 Welcome and coffee
9:30-9:45 Introduction by Miguel Alvarez-Rodriguez and workshop dynamic by Michiel De Keyzer
9:45-10:00 What are we going to discuss today?

  • Catalogue of Services: overview of the action and its latest activities
  • Today’s agenda
10:00-10:30 Single Digital Gateway Model: Business perspective
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-12:05 SDG Model – Part 1

  • Practical exercise using the model
  • Discussion on the issues raised
12:05-12:20 SDG Model – Plenary Reflections on the discussions
12:20-13:35 Lunch
13:35-14:20 SDG Model – Part 2

  • Discussion on the issues
  • Classifications (Tentative)
14:20-14:45 SDG Model – Plenary Reflections on the SDG Model and identified next steps
14:45-15:05 Break
15:05-15:20 Demo

As a public administration, how can I create a catalogue of services?

Parallel Session: Tools for catalogues of services and how they would work in the SDGR context Parallel Session: What would you see next for the Catalogues of Services action in the context SDG implementation?
16:00-16:15 Outcomes of the parallel sessions
16:15-16:30 Wrap-up and closing
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